
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Of Some Precious souls

If you've read my blog, or even skimmed through it ever, you would know that I don't usually talk about my personal life here as most other bloggers like to.

Today, however, is different. I feel like talking about my day, simply because it was nothing special and yet so special.

My lovely friend, whom I love more than the non-existent 'luv of ma lyf' taught me this really sweet phrase in Japanese, she kept saying it throughout the day and just watching her say those magical words made me so happy. Of course, her ability to look Japanese played a great role in accentuating the whole effect and also, my happiness.

That was not all that she did for me today, though. S picked up my bio notes for me when they just threw themselves upon the floor for the sole purpose of annoying me - another universal conspiracy, but guess what? I've learnt to live with them now as they happen all the time!
She picked them up for me because I decided to be stubborn and show those notes I didn't care. During the class, she gently squeezed my arm so that I'd feel better. Later, S made sure I was comfortably seated when I'd been excused from Language class, regaled me with the "Tsu- khasa" story and made me laugh. She attended physics class with me and walked downstairs with me while we were discussing how we can't have an 'inqilaab' (revolution) yet.

That's not all, though. At night she remembered to inquire about my health, although I wasn't visibly sick today - it's very easy to forget how somebody was feeling when they don't look sick. If you do remember, you're just a really great person. Later, I bugged her with a really stupid problem and she gave me some really good advice, which immediately got me out of an awkward, messy situation.

I love S. The fact that I lay quite a lot of stress on 's' sounds when I speak, used to appear to me as a technical problem with my voice box, but now I just think of it as a token of love and gratitude I feel for the presence of S in my life. With thoughts like these, I feel bad about disclosing universal conspiracies to the world, but I MUST voice the truth!

And then there's S-the-B.
She's just SO cool. I never write like this, especially on my blog. I just speak this way but right now I'm breaking all the writing rules I've made for myself.
S-the-B makes me laugh so so so so much everyday, right before physics. I feel refreshed during that class and actually understand what my teacher is talking about, though I may not necessarily understand what exactly he's talking about. For example, I am aware of the fact that today surface waves were being discussed but I didn't really understand, or pay much attention to what they were, etc.

S-the-B came to see me for a second time today -yes, fate was being way too nice to me today, it seems. Maybe I should be scared because it might just be preparing the stage for another huge conspiracy like my bio notes taking a dive. Maybe that's what you refer to as an "academic deep-dive".
This is a moment of revelation. I feel so enlightened now.

The best part of seeing S-the-B however, remains untold. She told me she got me an amazing gift! I was excited beyond what the powers of my description can conquer, especially at this time and in this state. S-da-B (as she might like to call herself, because she's just 2 kewlx), rummaged inside her bag for a minute or two, while I just eyed the opening of the bag with eyes wide and watery with the anticipation of what might come out any moment. I would like to imagine that my tongue was also lolling to a side or that I looked like a character from Japanese anime but well, I guess none of that happened. Meanwhile, S-da-B produced a wrapper (of something) from her bag. It was transparent and pink on the top and bottom. It said the following:

AAA HIGH QUALITY on the top pink part
MADE IN JAPAN on the lower pink patch.

We tried to figure out what it could have been wrapped around but failed because I was almost exploding with glee. Why wouldn't I? it was graded with triple As. Yes, that is how HIGH the quality was, of whatever it contained. S-da-B found it on the floor of one of her classes and picked it up just for ME. Cox she luff me so much!

I love you too. Both of you.

I would also like to thank N, for being there and just uplifting my mood with some absolutely random musings.

And that concludes the most prized moments of my day.

Oh and Pakistan Zindabad! Since we've entered 23rd March now. 

P.S. I'm writing this because I couldn't conclude my day without doing this.
Please try and ignore whatever errors you find in this post because I'm not well. I can't make sense of most things, my spine and shoulders are hurting so badly I can barely keep my neck in one position for more than five minutes. My apologies if that sounds like whining but I just HAD to mention all that.


  1. Okay so coincidentally I was going through something just now and you totally made me feel higher than on top of the world.
    AISHITEIRU!! From the bottom of my heart. xox

  2. Sal: I love you too. True story! :P

